Remove the Watermark from Photoshop Images

How to Remove the Watermark from Photoshop Images?

Disclaimer: "It is important to note that the use of watermarks is primarily utilized to safeguard the copyright of images and videos. Any unauthorized removal of a watermark constitutes a violation of the rights of the copyright holder and may result in damage to their reputation and credibility. It is highly recommended to obtain the necessary permissions before utilizing or modifying someone else's content. In light of this, does not support or advocate for the unauthorized removal of watermarks or copyrighted material"

Learn how to remove watermarks from images with tools like and Photoshop. Follow step-by-step tutorials and get answers to FAQs for a watermark-free result.

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Watermarks can be a headache, especially when they get in the way of an otherwise beautiful photo. It's like having a sticker on a masterpiece! Whether snapping pictures as a hobby or doing it professionally, learning to remove watermarks in Photoshop is a handy trick to have up your sleeve. In this easy-to-follow guide, we will show you not one but five excellent ways to wipe away those pesky watermarks. With these tricks, you'll be able to bring back the true beauty of your images in no time. It's like having a magic wand for your photos!


We're excited to introduce our excellent tool, the plugin for Photoshop or the official GitHub page. Integrated with Photoshop through PixelBin, removing watermarks is a breeze within the Photoshop app. Imagine the convenience!


So, get ready to join us on this fun journey through Photoshop land, where we wave goodbye to unwanted watermarks and hello to stunning, clear pictures. Let's jump in and start the magic!


Six Effective Methods to Remove a Watermark in Photoshop

Removing watermarks from images can sometimes feel like a daunting task, but with Photoshop, it's easier than you think! In this part of our guide, we will walk you through six effective methods to make those watermarks disappear, as if by magic. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned Photoshop user, these techniques will be helpful. Here's what we'll cover:


  1. Watermark Remover Plugin: This is our star tool! Integrated with Photoshop through PixelBin, it's a game-changer for quick and efficient watermark removal.


  1. Spot Healing Brush Tool: This tool is perfect for small, hidden watermarks. It works by blending the watermark with the surrounding pixels.


  1. Clone Stamp Tool: Ideal for more giant watermarks, the Clone Stamp tool lets you copy pixels from one part of the image to another, covering the watermark seamlessly.


  1. Content-Aware Fill: An intelligent feature in Photoshop, this fills the selected watermark area with pixels that closely match the surrounding area, making the watermark vanish.


  1. Patch Tool: Similar to the Content-Aware Fill, it gives you more control to select the area you want to replace.


1. Watermark Remover Plugin

Let's break down each step in detail for using the Watermark Remover Plugin, integrated with Photoshop through PixelBin.


1. Obtaining an API Token

  • Importance: To use the plugin, you need an API token that connects the plugin with your PixelBin account.
  • How to Learn More: Information on obtaining the API token is available on the website or PixelBin support.


2. Installation of the Plugin


Installation of the Plugin


  • Where to Download: The plugin can be downloaded from the Adobe Creative Cloud platform or the official GitHub page of
  • Installation Process: Follow the standard installation process for Photoshop plugins. This usually involves downloading the plugin file and then adding it to your Photoshop plugins directory.


3. Using the Plugin



  • Opening the Plugin: After installation, when you open Photoshop, you'll find the plugin listed among other plugins. Click on the entry point to open the main panel.
  • Login: Use your organization's API token for logging in. A login window will appear where you should enter your API token and click on the 'Submit' button to access the main form of the plugin.


4. Selecting and Processing an Image


Selecting and Processing an Image


  • Selecting a Layer: Choose a Photoshop layer that contains the watermark you want to remove.
  • Adjusting Parameters: In the plugin's main panel, you'll see options to adjust various parameters. These might include settings for the intensity of watermark removal or specific area selection.
  • Applying the Changes: After setting the parameters, click on the 'Apply' button. The plugin will process the image and create a new Pixel Layer with the watermark removed. The original layer will automatically become invisible.


5. Understanding the Transformation

  • New Layer Naming: The newly created layer, with the watermark removed, will be named after the original layer with '- transformed' appended to it.
  • Before and After: You can compare the original layer and the transformed layer to see the effectiveness of the watermark removal.


6. Checking Credit Information


Checking Credit Information


  • Credit Usage: The plugin allows you to view your current credit information. This can usually be found in the panel, below the main form, indicating how many credits you've used or have remaining for watermark removal operations.


Remember, each step is designed to make the process of watermark removal as seamless as possible, ensuring that you can maintain the quality of your images without the hassle of unwanted watermarks.


2. Spot Healing Brush Tool

The Spot Healing Brush Tool in Photoshop is a powerful and intuitive tool for quickly removing small imperfections such as watermarks, blemishes, and other unwanted elements from your images. It works by analyzing the surrounding area of the imperfection and blending it seamlessly with the rest of the image.


This tool is especially useful for minor, unobtrusive watermarks, making it a go-to choice for photographers and designers who need a quick fix without compromising the image's overall quality.


Steps to Use Spot Healing Brush Tool


Select the Tool:


Select the Tool


  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Locate the Spot Healing Brush Tool in the Tools panel. It looks like a band-aid icon. If you don't see it, it might be hidden under the Healing Brush Tool or Patch Tool, so right-click on those icons to find it.


Configure the Tool Settings:


Configure the Tool Settings


  • In the options bar at the top, set the brush size and hardness according to the size of the watermark. A softer brush blends better for a more natural look.
  • Choose the type of healing. 'Content-Aware' is generally the best option as it allows Photoshop to automatically fill in the area with relevant content.


Apply the Tool:


Apply the Tool


  • Zoom in on the watermark.
  • Simply brush over the watermark. The Spot Healing Brush will automatically sample from the surrounding area and blend it over the watermark.
  • If the first pass doesn't completely remove the watermark, you can try again or adjust the brush settings.


Refine if Necessary:


Refine if Necessary


  • Sometimes, the tool might not get it perfect on the first try. If you see any inconsistencies or smudging, you can undo (Ctrl/Cmd + Z) and reapply with different settings or brush sizes.


Final Checks:


Final Checks


  • Once you're satisfied with the result, zoom out and check the overall image to ensure the area blends well with the surroundings and looks natural.
  • Save your work.
  • The Spot Healing Brush Tool is perfect for quick fixes and is effective for watermarks that aren't too large or complex. It's a handy tool to have in your Photoshop skill set for enhancing the quality of your images.


The Spot Healing Brush Tool is perfect for quick fixes and is effective for watermarks that aren't too large or complex. It's a handy tool to have in your Photoshop skill set for enhancing the quality of your images.


3.Clone Stamp Tool

The Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop is a classic and versatile tool for precise image editing tasks, including the removal of watermarks. Unlike the Spot Healing Brush Tool, which automatically samples from around the imperfection, the Clone Stamp Tool gives you full control over the exact area you want to clone or replicate.


This makes it ideal for removing larger watermarks or those in complex backgrounds, as it allows you to manually select the best parts of your image to replace the watermark.


Steps to Use the Clone Stamp Tool


Selecting the Tool:


Selecting the Tool


  • Open the image with the watermark in Photoshop.
  • Find the Clone Stamp Tool in the Tools panel. It resembles a stamp icon.


Setting Up the Tool:


Setting Up the Tool


  • Choose a brush size and hardness from the options bar. A softer brush will blend edges more naturally.
  • Adjust the opacity and flow to control how much of the cloned area is applied to the watermark. Lower opacity makes the effect more subtle.


Choosing the Source Area:


Choosing the Source Area


  • Hold down the 'Alt' key (Option key on Mac) and click on an area of the image that you want to clone. This area should be similar in texture and color to the area where the watermark is.


Cloning Over the Watermark:


Cloning Over the Watermark


  • Position the cursor over the watermark and start painting. As you paint, the tool will clone pixels from the source area you selected onto the watermark area.
  • Work in small sections and frequently change the source area by alt-clicking for a more seamless blend.






  • If the cloned area looks repetitive or obvious, undo (Ctrl/Cmd + Z) and try cloning from a different source area or adjusting the brush settings.
  • Use a combination of different brush sizes and source areas for a more natural look.


Final Touches:


Final Touches


  • Once the watermark is fully covered, zoom out to view the entire image and ensure the edited area blends well with the surroundings.
  • Make any additional adjustments if needed to ensure a seamless look.


Save Your Work:


Save Your Work


  • Save the edited image, preferably as a new file to maintain the original.


The Clone Stamp Tool requires a bit more precision and patience compared to automatic tools like the Spot Healing Brush, but it offers greater control and is highly effective for challenging watermark removal tasks. With practice, it can become an invaluable part of your Photoshop toolkit.


4. Content-Aware Fill

Content-Aware Fill is a sophisticated and powerful feature in Photoshop designed for removing unwanted elements like watermarks, blemishes, or objects with remarkable ease and efficiency.


This tool stands out for its ability to intelligently analyze the surrounding pixels and fill in the selected area with content that seamlessly blends with the rest of the image.Β It's especially useful for watermarks that are set against complex backgrounds, as it can replicate intricate details and textures with minimal effort from the user.


Steps to Use Content-Aware Fill


Select the Area with the Watermark:


Select the Area with the Watermark


  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Choose a selection tool suitable for the watermark's shape (like the Lasso Tool or Marquee Tool).
  • Carefully draw a selection around the watermark. The selection doesn’t have to be perfect, but try to get close to the edges of the watermark.


Accessing Content-Aware Fill:


Accessing Content-Aware Fill


  • Once the watermark is selected, go to Edit in the top menu and choose Content-Aware Fill. This will open a new workspace tailored for this feature.


Adjusting Content-Aware Fill Settings:


Adjusting Content-Aware Fill Settings


  • In the Content-Aware Fill workspace, you’ll see the preview of the result on the right side.
  • On the left, you'll have options to modify the area Photoshop uses to sample content. You can use the brush tools provided to add or subtract from the sampling area.
  • Experiment with different settings like Color Adaptation, Rotation Adaptation, and Scale to see which gives the best result for your specific image.


Applying the Fill:


Applying the Fill


  • Once you’re satisfied with the preview, click on the Apply button.
  • Photoshop will fill the selected area with content that blends with the surrounding pixels.


Fine-Tuning the Result:


Fine-Tuning the Result


  • After applying the Content-Aware Fill, check the image for any inconsistencies.
  • If needed, you can use other tools like the Clone Stamp Tool or the Healing Brush Tool for any minor touch-ups.


Deselect and Review:


Deselect and Review


  • Deselect the area (Ctrl/Cmd + D) to view the final result.
  • Ensure that the area where the watermark was looks natural and seamlessly blends with the rest of the image.


Save Your Work:



  • Save your edited image, preferably as a new file to preserve the original.


Content-Aware Fill is particularly effective when dealing with complex backgrounds, as its algorithm is adept at replicating patterns, textures, and lighting conditions. This tool can significantly reduce the time and effort required to remove watermarks, making it a favorite among many Photoshop users.


5. Patch Tool

The Patch Tool in Photoshop is a fantastic resource for removing unwanted elements like watermarks, especially when they are on areas with consistent texture or pattern. It works similarly to the Content-Aware Fill but provides more control, allowing you to manually select both the area to be repaired and the area from which to sample the replacement content. This makes it especially useful for larger watermarks or those in areas where you want to maintain specific textures or details.


Steps to Use the Patch Tool


Selecting the Tool:


Selecting the Tool


  • Open the image with the watermark in Photoshop.
  • Find the Patch Tool in the Tools panel. It's usually grouped with the Healing Brush Tool, so you might need to right-click to find it.


Configuring the Tool:


Selecting the Tool


  • In the options bar at the top, choose between 'Source' and 'Destination'.
  • 'Source' means you select the area to be replaced and then drag it to the area you want to sample.
  • 'Destination' means you select the area to replace and then drag a sample area to it.


Selecting the Watermark:


Selecting the Watermark


  • Use the Patch Tool to draw around the watermark. Make the selection as close to the watermark as possible for the best results.


Applying the Patch:


Applying the Patch


  • If in 'Source' mode, drag the selected area to a part of the image that you want to use as a replacement.
  • If in 'Destination' mode, select a clean area and drag it over the watermark.
  • Release the mouse button and Photoshop will blend the selected area with the surrounding pixels.


Refining the Results:

  • The Patch Tool usually does a good job blending the repaired area, but you might need to refine it.
  • Use other tools like the Clone Stamp or Healing Brush for any fine adjustments.


Final Review and Save:



  • Deselect the area (Ctrl/Cmd + D) to see the full effect.
  • Review the image to ensure the watermark is effectively removed and the area looks natural.
  • Save your work, preferably as a new file to maintain the original.


The Patch Tool is a great choice when you need more control over the source of the content used for repairing an image. It’s particularly effective for larger watermarks and can achieve a natural-looking result with a little bit of practice.


Step-by-step tutorial to remove watermark in PhotoshopΒ Β 

Efficiently removing watermarks from images can significantly enhance their visual appeal. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through removing watermarks using Adobe Photoshop, a versatile tool widely used in image editing.


What are Watermarks?

Watermarks are identifiable patterns, logos, text, or symbols added to images, videos, documents, or other media files. They serve various purposes, such as indicating ownership, protecting copyrights, and promoting brands. Watermarks are often translucent and placed over the main content to discourage unauthorised use or distribution.


They can range from subtle logos in the corner of photos to more prominent text overlays. While watermarks provide security and recognition, they can sometimes interfere with the visual appeal of the media, prompting users to consider their removal.


What is Photoshop?

Photoshop is a popular and powerful image editing software developed by Adobe Systems. Professionals and enthusiasts widely use it for various purposes, such as photo manipulation, graphic design, digital art creation, and more.


With Photoshop, users can edit, retouch, and enhance images, create visual designs, remove unwanted elements, add effects, and apply various adjustments. The software provides a wide range of tools and features, including layers, brushes, filters, and advanced editing options, making it a versatile tool for basic and complex image editing tasks.



Photoshop Alternative to Remove Watermark

Several other software options are available if you're looking for alternatives to Photoshop to remove watermarks from images. Some popular alternatives include:


  • This online tool is designed specifically to remove watermarks from images. It offers a user-friendly interface and features like Magic Wand, Clone Stamp, and Content-Aware Fill to erase watermarks while preserving image quality effectively.


How to use

Using is straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use it:


Step 1 - Upload Image:


Home Page of


‍Go to the website. You will see an option to upload an image. You can drag and drop the image into the designated area or paste the URL online. The supported image formats include PNG, JPEG, JPG, and WebP.


Step 2 - Upload and Process:


2nd Step to upload image


‍Once you've uploaded the image, the tool will start processing it. This might take a few seconds depending on the size of the image and your internet speed.


Step 3 - Preview the Image:


3rd Step to Preview the Image


After the processing, you will be shown a preview of the image without the watermark. This allows you to see how the image looks without the watermark.


Step 4 - Download the Edited Image:


Last Step to Download image Download without Watermark


If you are satisfied with the result, you can download the edited image. A button or option usually lets you save the image to your computer.


Step 5 - Alternative Options:

Some tools offer additional features like adjusting the edited image's quality, resolution, or format. You can explore these options to customise the output as needed.


Step 6 - Save and Use:

‍Once you've downloaded the watermark-free image, you can use it without the distracting watermark.


Remember, the effectiveness of watermark removal might vary depending on the complexity of the watermark and the image itself. is designed to simplify the process, but results can vary. It's always a good practice to keep the original image intact in case you need to make further adjustments or edits.


  • GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program): GIMP is a free and open-source image editing software that offers a wide range of tools and features similar to Photoshop. It includes a Clone Stamp tool and a Healing Brush tool that can be used to remove watermarks.


  • Photopea: Photopea is a free online image editor that resembles Photoshop's interface and features. It offers tools like Clone Stamp and Healing Brush to help you remove watermarks from images.


  • Pixlr: Pixlr is a web-based image editor that provides basic to advanced editing tools. It has tools for cloning and healing that can be used to remove watermarks.


  • Inpixio Photo Studio: Inpixio offers a dedicated tool called "Watermark Remover" to remove watermarks from images.


  • Paint.NET: Paint.NET is another free image editing software with a user-friendly interface. While it might have fewer advanced features than Photoshop, it offers essential watermark removal tools.


  • Movavi Photo Editor: Movavi Photo Editor is a user-friendly software that includes tools for removing watermarks and unwanted objects from images.


  • Wondershare Fotophire: Fotophire is an all-in-one photo editing toolkit that includes a tool for removing watermarks and unwanted objects.


Remember that the effectiveness of these tools may vary depending on the complexity of the watermark and the image. Try a few options and see which works best for your specific needs.



Removing watermarks from images can significantly enhance their visual appeal and usability. Whether using the user-friendly tool or the advanced capabilities of Photoshop, the process has become more accessible than ever. Individuals can effectively erase watermarks while preserving image quality by following the outlined steps and using appropriate tools.


It's essential to remember the ethical implications of watermark removal and to only do so with proper permissions. With these methods, you can transform watermarked images into professional and engaging visuals, expanding their potential applications across various platforms.

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Here, we have listed some of the commonly asked questions from the community. If you do not find the information you need, feel free to reach out to us at

Is it legal to remove watermarks from images?

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Removing watermarks from images might infringe upon copyright and ownership rights. Always ensure you have proper authorization to edit or remove watermarked content.

Will the image quality be affected after watermark removal?

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Using a reliable tool like aims to preserve image quality. However, the final result can vary based on the complexity of the watermark and the tool's efficiency.

Can I remove watermarks from any type of image?

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Most watermark removal tools support popular image formats like PNG, JPEG, JPG, and WebP. Ensure your chosen tool is compatible with the format of your image.

Are there any alternatives to using online watermark removal tools?

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You can use image editing software like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP to remove watermarks manually. However, this might require more technical skills and time.

Can I undo the watermark removal process?

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Once the watermark is removed, restoring it to its original state is challenging. It's recommended to keep backups of your original images before attempting any edits.

Are online watermark remover tools safe to use?

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Reputable tools like are designed to be safe. However, be cautious when uploading images containing sensitive or private information, and use trusted sources.


Remove Background for Free
Remove Watermarks For Free

You can remove the watermarks from your images of any objects, humans or animals and download them in any format for free.

Quick And Easy To Use
Quick And Easy To Use

With, you can easily remove the watermarks of your image by using the Drag and Drop feature or click on β€œUpload.”

Remove Background From Any Platform
Remove Watermarks For Any Platform can be accessed on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac, and Android.

Can Be Used For Work And For Personal Use
Can Be Used For Personal Use can be used for your personal use. Use tool for your collages, website projects, product photography, etc.

Highly Accurate AI
Highly Accurate AI has an AI that processes your image accurately and selects the watermarks to remove it automatically.

Saves Time And Money
Saves Time And Money

You won’t have to spend extra money or time on hiring designers, green screens and organising special shoots to make your image watermarkfree.

Download High Quality Images For Free

Download images in the same resolution that you upload
Upload Image

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